(Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program
- Alabama Math and Science Teacher Education Program (AMSTEP)
- Alabama Student Assistance Program (ASAP)
- Alabama Student Grant Program (ASGP)
- Military Educational Benefits (ANGEAP)
- Minority Doctoral Scholarship Program
- Police Officer’s and Firefighter’s Survivors Educational Assistance Program (POFSEAP)
- (Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program
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The (Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program was made possible through the Alabama Act 2023-539 to increase the number of Alabama adults with college degrees, to encourage adults who have earned some college credit hours to return to college and complete a college degree program connected with the workforce development needs aligned with Alabama’s high demand occupation list, and to establish a grant program that will provide financial assistance to adult learners for postsecondary education in the state of Alabama. Chapter 300-4-13 of the Alabama Commission on Higher Education’s Administrative Code provides the definitions and procedures for the (Re)Engage program.
Each authorized institution will carefully review the student applications for eligibility by using all appropriate institutional records, including verification of the following (Re)Engage student requirements:
- Age, 25 years or older.
- A citizen or a lawful permanent resident of the United States.
- A resident of Alabama.
- A graduate of a secondary school or the recognized equivalent of a high school graduate.
- Has not attended a postsecondary education institution for at least two (2) years (24 consecutive months) prior to their current enrollment.
- Has not earned an associate or baccalaureate degree at any other institution prior to applying for the (Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program.
- Classified as an undergraduate student with the completion of at least 36 credit hours for an associate degree or at least 72 credit hours for a baccalaureate degree.
- Enrolled as a full-time student (minimum of twelve (12) semester hours) or part-time (minimum of six (6) semester hours) student in an eligible program in an authorized institution leading to an associate degree or baccalaureate degree that is aligned with Alabama’s high demand workforce needs promulgated by the Alabama Committee on Credentialing and Career Pathways.
- Has good academic standing as defined by the institution.
- Not enrolled in a course of study leading to an undergraduate degree in theology, divinity, or field of preparation for a religious vocation.
Each institution has specific degree programs that qualify for this particular grant so please contact your institution’s Financial Aid Office for more information about their approved degree programs and how to start your application process today!
To learn more about Alabama and what our great state has to offer to graduates, go to https://allinal.org/.
Deadlines for Student Application Submission to the Institution:
- Fall semester (or quarter) term applications due September 15.
- Spring semester (or quarter) term applications due February 15.
- Summer semester (or quarter) term applications due June 15.
- Winter quarter term applications due January 15.
Administrative Code Procedures
(Re)Engage Alabama Grant Program Student Application
(Please contact the Financial Aid Office of the participating institution to determine if you qualify for the grant and if additional steps need to be taken before returning the completed application to the institution.)
- Dr. Stephanie C. Dolan
- Associate Director of Planning and Policy
- Stephanie.Dolan@ache.edu
- (334) 353-9153
- Ms. Artcola Pettway
- Grants & Scholarship Associate
- Artcola.Pettway@ache.edu
- (334) 353-0985