All In Alabama

Alabama is home to world-class golf, award-winning dining and cuisine, white sandy beaches, and some of the nation’s best natural trails and waterways.  It is also home to a growing state economy in need of a more educated workforce.  We are working to help develop this workforce by creating the nation’s most accessible business community.  We are breaking down barriers, opening closed doors, facilitating an interactive business network with in-state professionals, and laying the foundation for your career in Alabama.

Are you In?   You will find it….ALL IN ALABAMA!

All in Alabama is an ACHE statewide initiative aimed at retaining current and former graduates within the state. By keeping these highly qualified and educated individuals in Alabama’s workforce, the initiative seeks to enhance the state’s educational attainment and workforce capacity, leading to a stronger economy and improved quality of life for all Alabamians.  The initiative has three programs that target specific segments of current and former students:

RETAIN Alabama – Retain Alabama focuses on four-year college students to encourage them to remain in Alabama to live and work following graduation.  Two college student surveys have been conducted by ACHE to learn more about future plans following graduation and why or why not they would choose to remain in the state.  While 43.3% of students indicated that they are very likely to remain in AL post-graduation, 43.2% of students were either likely or unlikely to remain in AL.  This is the target audience for Retain.

RECALL Alabama – Recall Alabama identifies former graduates who have left the state and are most likely to return based on consumer profiles developed by data mining services.  These former graduates will be contacted through direct marketing campaigns in conjunction with institutional alumni and workforce development groups.

(RE)ENGAGE Alabama – Between 2017 and 2021, students over the age of 25 comprised nearly 15% of the total baccalaureate-seeking population at Alabama’s public universities, with just under 20,000 enrolled per year on average (Alabama Statewide Student Database).  Reengage Alabama focuses on former students in Alabama with some college and no degree.  This program is designed to identify those students who previously attended a college or university, but may be short of earning an undergraduate degree by a few credits.  It connects those former students with Alabama’s colleges and universities by working to remove academic and financial barriers that often prevent these students from reengaging in the academic process and completing their credential or degree.

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