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Alabama Commission

                              on Higher Education

               The Alabama Commission on Higher Education, a statewide 12-member lay board
               appointed by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House and
               confirmed by the Senate, is the state agency responsible for the overall statewide
               planning and coordination of higher education in Alabama, the administration of
               various student aid programs, and the performance of designated regulatory functions.
               The Commission seeks to provide reasonable access to quality collegiate and university
               education for the citizens of Alabama. In meeting this commitment, the Commission
               facilitates informed decision making and policy formulation regarding responsible
               stewardship of resources in response to the needs of students and the goals of
               institutions. The agency also provides a state-level framework for institutions to
               respond cooperatively and individually to the needs of the citizens of the State.

               Responsibilities of the Commission include the following:
                 • Approves new units of instruction,               to the institutions, the Legislature
                    including new institutions, mergers,            and the Governor concerning its
                    branch campuses, colleges, schools,             findings;
                    divisions, and departments;                  • Provides a state-level framework for
                 • Approves any new academic                        institutions to respond cooperatively
                    programs;                                       and individually to the needs of the
                 • Approves off-campus instruction;                 citizens of the State;
                 • Facilitates planning for higher               • Reviews institutional facilities
                    education, including developing a               masterplans and reports to trustees
                    statewide plan;                                 and the Legislature;
                 • Reviews and makes recommendations             • Maintains an electronic student
                    concerning existing programs;                   unit record system to provide
                 • Prepares a Consolidated Budget                   accountability on student progress;
                    Recommendation to the Governor and           • Oversight for the programmatic
                    Legislature, including budget                   review of private and public
                    recommendations from all public                 institutions operating as foreign
                    community colleges and universities             corporations in Alabama in accord
                    and for statewide initiatives;                  with the regulatory authority
                 • Collects and compiles information                assigned to the Commission by
                    concerning higher education in the              statute; and
                    State;                                       • Serves as the state portal entity
                 • Administers student financial                    for Alabama’s participation
                    assistance programs;                            in the National Council for State
                 • Conducts studies on higher education             Authorization Reciprocity
                    issues and makes recommendations                Agreements (NC-SARA).

            Alabama Commission on Higher Education
            100 North Union Street
            Montgomery, AL  36104

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