Page 6 - Black Modern Annual Report A4
P. 6
Message from the
Commission Chair
As Chair of the Alabama The Alabama Commission
Commission on Higher on Higher Education
Education, I am pleased to continuously seeks to
present ACHE’s 2024 respond effectively and
Annual Report to Governor efficiently when the
Ivey and the Alabama legislature appoints the
Legislature. Commission as the state
agency to oversee and
The Commission on Higher administer legislative acts.
Education is legislatively One example is the recent
tasked with the statewide development of the
planning and coordination Student Horizon Database,
of higher education in Miranda Bouldin which offers the public and
Alabama. The agency’s prospective students an
responsibilities encompass online, comprehensive source of
administering a variety of student aid information about the state’s colleges
programs and carrying out specific and universities. Through these efforts,
regulatory functions. Other key duties the Commission reaffirms its
of the Commission include approving commitment to transparency and
new academic programs at public two- accessibility, ensuring that Alabamians
and four-year institutions, submitting have the knowledge they need to make
annual funding recommendations to informed decisions about higher
the governor and the legislature, and education.
approving off-campus offerings for
these institutions. The Commission is committed to
advocating for students, faculty, and
As a statewide coordinating board, the institutions of higher education in
Commission has emerged as a leading Alabama. I encourage you to explore
source of information about higher this report and other ACHE publications
education. Whether the inquiry pertains available on the ACHE website to gain a
to student data, institutional details, deeper understanding of the
non-resident institutions operating Commission’s vital role in Alabama’s
within the state, financial aid, or higher education system.
statewide research and development
activities, the Commission stands as a
vital resource for the citizens of
Alabama and their leadership.
Embracing this role, the Commission
continually seeks innovative ways to
enhance information collection and