Page 7 - Black Modern Annual Report A4
P. 7
Letter from the
Executive Director
Considering everything, it that by late August, the
was a great year for higher year-to-year rate for FAFSA
education in Alabama. completion by Alabama’s
Enrollment at Alabama’s high school seniors only
public colleges and reduced by two percent,
universities stabilized after changing participation
years of fluctuations, and from 59% to 57%.
the governor and the
legislature provided robust This year also marked
support by approving a the final chapter for
third consecutive year of Birmingham-Southern
funding increases of six College. The closure of this
percent or more. In Dr. Jim Purcell highly regarded 168-year-
addition, campuses old institution highlights
received one-time funding to address the financial fragility many colleges and
deferred maintenance and new facility universities face today. Other private
needs. colleges in Alabama, such as Judson
College and Concordia College, have
The “considering everything” caveat also recently closed their doors.
pertains to this year’s problematic Managing a campus is not only about
rollout of the revised Free Application balancing resources and maintaining
for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). quality academic offerings but also
Anxiety was ever present in about willingly adapting to a rapidly
conversations with students and changing world and its society.
campus leaders as they worked toward
Fall enrollment. After countless delays Time's passage urges us to embrace
and faulty communications, students each new horizon. Institutions have
finally received notifications from the taken significant strides in welcoming
federal government in late May. educational advancements, such as
Despite these setbacks, the college and integrating artificial intelligence into
university financial aid and admissions curricula, research, and administration.
staff, along with high school counselors Colleges and universities are not just
and career coaches, showed adapting to change; they are leading
remarkable adaptability. They the way into a future where education
significantly altered their operations to and technology are deeply
address issues with the U.S. interconnected, ushering in a new era
Department of Education’s processing driven by innovation and opportunity.
of aid applications. With many
scholarship programs relying on FAFSA
completion, both current college
students and high school seniors faced
financial uncertainty. The good news is